Hematoma of the Nasal Septum

Nasal injuries are often accompanied by hemorrhage under the mucous membrane of the nasal septum with the formation of a hematoma. In the future, if the hematoma becomes infected, an abscess may form.

Symptoms, course:

Severe difficulty in nasal breathing; with the development of an abscess of the nasal septum - increased body temperature, headache. Anterior rhinoscopy reveals soft, sac-like protrusions of a bright red color. With purulent melting of the cartilage of the nasal septum, retraction of the nasal dorsum is noted.


For a hematoma - suction of blood and tight nasal tamponade, for an abscess - wide opening of it and tamponade of the nasal cavity, antibiotic therapy; Retraction of the nasal bridge is corrected surgically (plastic surgery - cartilage transplantation, etc.).