
Hemiathetosis refers to changes in the patient’s posture and gait that vary in form. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a systemic or other disease. A patient's health cannot be assessed based on hemiatetosis alone. It is just an external manifestation of changes in certain disorders of the nervous system. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, doctors rely on the totality of symptoms and rely on the general diagnosis made earlier.

The main form of hemiathesis is a “sloppy” gait. The support on both legs is superficial, the entire weight of the body falls on the toes, they move in the same rhythm. In this case, the patient moves slowly, alternately moving his legs. The muscles on the legs are tense, the person seems to be walking with difficulty, constantly unconsciously looking for additional support while moving. Sometimes there are attacks of sharp stretching of the body to one side with simultaneous sticking of the hand in the same direction and stretching of the head parallel to the spine. If the patient begins to lower his head, he describes a semicircle in the vertical plane, simultaneously turning his body. In a relaxed state