
A hemoresistogram is a recording of changes in the electrical resistance of the blood depending on changes in its volume. Changes in blood volume occur under various physiological conditions (for example, during physical activity, after eating, when changing body position, etc.).

The hemoresistogram is recorded using a special device - a hemorheometer. It consists of two chambers connected to each other by a capillary. Blood is poured into one chamber, and distilled water into the second. In this case, the blood is under pressure, which is created by the pump.

After blood begins to flow from one chamber to another, its volume changes. This leads to a change in the electrical resistance of the blood. The change in resistance is recorded by a special sensor.

The hemorheometer allows you to record not only changes in blood volume, but also its viscosity, hemoglobin concentration, and electrolyte composition. The data obtained can be used to diagnose various diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

Thus, hemoresistography is an important method for studying blood circulation, which allows you to assess the condition of the vessels and blood flow in them. It can also be used to diagnose and monitor the effectiveness of treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

In medicine, a hemoresistogram is a method for determining peripheral vascular resistance. It is often abbreviated as GRFS. Blood passing through the vessels meets their walls. If this process is not dense enough, a layer of plasma is formed, which also increases the hemoresistance index. In any case, the change in the indicator is recorded on a special device. In this case, special attention is paid to assessing the degree of influence of environmental factors and metabolic problems on peripheral vascular resistance. Determination of peripheral resistance makes it possible detect hypertension in a patient. The advantage of the research method compared to other methods of physiological assessment is its high reliability. And many also find it less tiring for patients. To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to carry out more than 20 procedures for recording the values ​​of vascular resistance and systolic blood volume. If we compare hemorheometry with pressure measurement, with the latter it is necessary to indicate the required frequency of judgments about the results.