Chemoprophylaxis of Malaria Personal

Chemoprophylaxis of malaria is a method of preventing malaria disease based on the use of hematoschizotropic drugs (hematoschizonts). These drugs contain antimalarial chemicals that prevent infection by the malaria parasite and the development of the disease.

Chemoprophylaxis can be personal and public. Personal chemoprophylaxis is provided to individuals living in areas with high incidence of malaria. It includes the use of hematoschizonts orally or intranasally in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug.

Community chemoprophylaxis is used to protect the population from malaria infection and is carried out in areas where incidence rates are high. It also includes the use of hematoschizonts, but is usually administered in the form of tablets that are distributed to the public.

The use of hematoschizonts in the prevention of malaria has a number of advantages. Firstly, they provide reliable protection against infection, which is especially important in areas with poor health care. Secondly, they can be used for a long time, which helps prevent re-infection after malaria treatment. Thirdly, they do not cause side effects if used in accordance with the instructions for use.

However, despite all the advantages, the use of hematoschizonts may also have some disadvantages. For example, some people may experience side effects such as nausea or vomiting. In addition, hematoschizonts can be expensive, especially if used over a long period of time.

Overall, the use of hematoschizonts is an important method of malaria prevention that can help protect the population from this disease. However, before using these medications, you should consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use.

Chemoprevention of a painter is personal prevention of a disease when chemoprophylactic drugs are introduced into the human body. Used as a prophylactic against disease and parasitic painting. In this case, toxins are killed internally, but do not enter the bloodstream. During the use of such therapy, active accumulation of parasites occurs. In large doses, extensive foci of decay can form.

Chemoprevention of malaria is the process of protecting the patient from the transmission of these parasitic protozoa and their development through the use of drugs in therapeutic doses. These drugs act directly on parasites in the blood of patients. Can be used for treatment and