Chemotherapy Antitumor Local

Antitumor chemotherapy is a type of treatment for malignant tumors that uses special drugs that can help destroy cancer cells and reduce the size of the tumor. This method can be used alone or in combination with other treatment methods such as radiation therapy or surgery.

Chemotherapy -


Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that involves introducing drugs into the body to kill cancer cells. However, like all medical procedures, chemotherapy has its side effects and risks. In this article we will look at one form of chemotherapy - local chemotherapy.

Local chemo

Local antitumor chemotherapy is one of the forms of action on tumor tissues. It is used to achieve the fastest and most effective treatment results, such as recovery from cancer.

Local chemotherapy to fight tumors appeared only a century and a half ago, in the 1950s. Then, with its help, it became possible to slow down and contain the spread of cancer cells, as well as help people get rid of the consequences of cancer. First of all, the treatment of tumors was carried out surgically - a part of the body was removed, after which the tumor gradually died off and the patient died within a short time. But with the advent of modern medicines, chemotherapy has become not only one of the methods of treating tumors, but also a full-fledged form of combating it. The drugs are capable of fighting cancer cells throughout the body by entering the patient’s blood and quickly spreading throughout the body. Moreover, the speed of their movement directly depends on the general well-being of the patient. When a person's health is sufficient