Quinine Sulfate

Quinine sulfate is an antimalarial drug that is used to treat malaria. It can also be used to treat other diseases associated with damage to red blood cells and the presence of infectious agents in the blood.

Quinines are obtained from the quinna plant, which is native to tropical regions of the world such as India, China and Laos. Quinine sulfate powder was first obtained in 1933 in Brazil. Since then, there have been many derivatives of quinine, each of which has its own specific activity and is prescribed according to specific indications.

There are various forms of quinine: tablets, capsules, injection solutions and syrups. Sulfated quinine is widely distributed and popular with doctors who treat certain specific diseases that may be caused by diseases associated with the formation of damaged red blood cells or harmful microorganisms.

Since quinine sulfate is the basis of many drugs, it has a number of side effects and contraindications for use. This is mainly due to the cardiac depressant effect when the dose of the drug is increased or the drug is taken for a long time. In addition, side effects may include diarrhea and nausea, as well as allergic reactions. In rare cases, cardiac disorders may occur. If the dosage is excessive, other unpleasant symptoms may become noticeable.

Before starting treatment with quinine, you should undergo a thorough examination and discuss the possible risks with your doctor.