Hirsutism Ovarian

Ovarian hirsutism (H. ovarii, hemorrhagic mastopathy, hematoma of the vaginal part of the broad uterine ligament, blood or hemorrhaphic gonadoblephitis, hirtendigmata), hymenoporesis (menstrual irregularities, irregular menstruation or amenorrhea, changes in the nature of menstruation and bleeding after menstruation, menorrhagia with large amounts of blood and clots).

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Testicular hirsutism (H. Ovariorum) is a gynecological disease that affects approximately every tenth woman aged 15 to 40 years. In another way, this condition is called hemorrhagic mastopathy, which is a bloody or hemorrhagic gonadoblenophilia of glandular, cystic or fibrocystic nature, located in the posterior parts of the broad ligament. Also found as hymendenoid granulosadenomas, which are generally tumors that are usually benign but also contain various types of cysts. Most often, the cause of the development of such a disease is dishormonal conditions in the body that arise as a result of ovarian dysfunction or hormonal disorders of the genital organs. Because of this, pathology develops as a result of a decrease in estrogen and an increase in testosterone levels. Treatment of such a pathology depends on the type of concomitant pathology, its severity and some other indicators. It is important to take into account that in hyperplastic uterine formations of other pathologies, calcium salts may be deposited in the tumor formation, which leads to painful sensations. If the neoplasm is located near the walls of the abdominal cavity, the appearance of pain is associated with the pressure of the uterine formation on the surrounding organs. In order to exclude malignant neoplasms, a histological examination of the neoplasm is carried out, taking into account the age, clinical picture and concomitant medical history of the patient, preferably after surgical removal. To diagnose such a gynecological disease, transvaginal ultrasound scanning and sonography are most often used, the results of which are compared with each other and compared with characteristic clinical signs. During transvaginal ultrasound scanning, diagnostic errors are possible, especially when the scrambled eggs are located deep in the pelvis, large false negatives