
Surgery (from Latin chirurgia and Greek cheirurgia, where cheir - hand, ergon - work, action) is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases, injuries and their consequences through manual and instrumental operations.

Surgery dates back to ancient times. The first mentions of surgical operations are found in ancient Indian and ancient Chinese treatises. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, surgery was performed by slave doctors. In the Middle Ages, surgery was separated from medicine and considered a craft.

Modern surgery is based on deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and other medical sciences. It has a wide arsenal of various operations, performed both manually and with the help of complex surgical instruments and devices. Surgery is divided into general and private (specialized).

The main sections of modern surgery include: traumatology, oncology, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, thoracic, abdominal, plastic surgery and many others. Surgery continues to develop rapidly and is a vital part of modern medicine.

An area of ​​clinical medicine that studies diseases that are treated primarily through surgical interventions, as well as the methods and techniques of these interventions. The rudiments of surgery have been known since ancient times.

Thus, simple surgical instruments are still found in Egyptian tombs. In the states of the ancient world (India, Rome, Greece) there were professional surgeons already several centuries BC. As a science, surgery has continuously developed and improved. But it reached its peak in the second half of the 19th century. thanks to the discovery and widespread introduction into practice of anesthesia, antiseptics, and asepsis.

In this regard, major operations on the stomach, intestines, lungs and other internal organs began to be successfully performed. Extensive experimental studies carried out by surgeons from various countries in the 19th and 20th centuries made it possible to develop techniques for the most complex operations - removal of the stomach, part of the intestine or lung, suturing of blood vessels and nerves, as well as surgical methods for treating fractures, wounds, and burns.

It was during this period that rapid differentiation of surgery began; from it such independent sections as traumatology, orthopedics, urology, neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, reconstructive surgery, etc. emerged. The focus of attention of surgeons was constantly on the problems of treating wounds in both peacetime and wartime.

Fundamentals of military field surgery, developed by the great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov, were developed in the works of Soviet surgeons N.N. Burdenko, S.S. Yudina, N. Petrova, P.A. Kupriyanova, M. Akhutina and others. In-depth scientific study of combat trauma, the selfless work of Soviet surgeons during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. contributed to the achievement of unprecedented results - over 72% of the wounded were returned to duty.

Modern surgical science is developing not only thanks to the further improvement of surgical methods, but also under the influence of advances in chemistry, physics, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, etc. In this regard, prosthetics of heart valves and blood vessels, transplantation of organs and tissues, and the creation of artificial joints have become possible , work on creating an artificial heart.

New directions in surgery have become surgical treatment of myocardial infarction, microsurgery (thanks to it, you can restore, for example, a completely severed finger or create new blood flow in the small vessels of the heart), the use of lasers, high oxygen pressure in special chambers, the so-called hyperbaric oxygenation, creating conditions for germ-free treatment of the wounded and burned, artificial and auxiliary blood circulation, etc.

Surgery is one of the most important medical disciplines, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases through surgical intervention on organs and tissues of the human body. Every day, hundreds of surgeons around the world perform complex operations that save lives and restore health to thousands of people. Surgeons work in various fields of medicine, such as oncology, cardiology, traumatology and others. They are highly qualified and specialized to provide the most effective treatment to patients. But it is not only medical surgeons who perform complex operations on the organs of the body, sometimes specialized nurses are also required to carry out complex procedures related to surgery. These specialists act as assistants to surgeons during operations and help create optimal conditions for successful treatment of patients.

Surgery (from ancient Greek χειρ - hand and ἔργον - work) is a field of clinical medicine that studies acute and chronic diseases that are treated using surgical methods that create conditions for restoring the lost functions of a particular organ or limb: fractures, dislocations , sprains, tumors, cysts, inflammatory diseases of internal organs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and so on.