History Climatic

climatic anamnesis - see Meteoanamnesis.

Climatic anamnesis refers to the section of meteorological anamnesis and is a collection of information about the influence of climatic factors on the patient’s health status.

As part of the climatic anamnesis, the following data is revealed:

  1. Region of residence of the patient, features of the local climate.

  2. Seasonality of exacerbations of chronic diseases.

  3. Individual tolerance to various weather conditions - cold, heat, high/low humidity, etc.

  4. The influence of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure on well-being.

  5. Exacerbation of symptoms during periods of increased solar activity.

  6. Positive or negative effect of changing climatic conditions (travel to other regions and countries).

Thus, climatic history allows us to assess the role of climatic and geographical factors in the occurrence and course of diseases in a particular patient. These data may be useful for developing recommendations for the prevention of exacerbations.