The choana is a funnel-shaped opening, specifically one of two openings located at the back of the nasal cavity. These openings are separated by the posterior edge of the nasal septum (septum nasi) and the nasal conchae (conchae nasales) extending from it. Through the choanae the nasal cavity communicates with the oropharynx.
The choanae are an important part of the respiratory system, as through them air enters the nasopharynx and then into the larynx and lungs. The size and shape of the choanae affect the resistance to airflow during breathing. Narrowing or closing of the choanae can lead to difficulty breathing through the nose.
Thus, the choanae are structurally and functionally important elements of the nasopharynx, providing communication between the nasal cavity and the pharynx.
The choana is a funnel-shaped opening that is located in the nasopharynx and connects the nasal cavity with the pharyngeal cavity. It is one of two choanae, which are located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx and are separated from it by the wings of the vomer.
The joana plays an important role in human breathing and speech. Through it, air from the nasal cavity enters the pharynx, where it is mixed with food and saliva. In addition, mucus is removed from the nose and throat through the choana, which prevents the development of infections.
However, if the choana becomes clogged with mucus or other substances, it can cause problems with breathing and speech. Therefore, it is very important to keep the nasopharynx clean and regularly clear it of mucus.
It is also worth noting that the choana can be susceptible to various diseases, such as sinusitis, sinusitis and others. Therefore, if symptoms of these diseases occur, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.