Hoffmann Sycosiform Atrophic Folliculitis

Hoffman Sycositeform Atrophic Foliculitis is one of the most common types of scalp related disease. It is characterized by dry skin, itching and inflammation on the scalp, as well as hair loss. This type may cause discomfort and cosmetic problems, but also

Joseph Hoffmann is an outstanding German dermatologist, one of the founders of dermatology and syphilidology. Educated in the tradition of J. Jungmeister, Goffman was also well aware of the works of the Russian dermatovenerologist-epidemiologist A.I. Byzovskoy (was his student). He wrote many works on the issues of syphilis and its treatment.

Particularly noteworthy is the monograph “A Peculiar Form of Nodular Folliculitis on the Genitals,” dedicated to the description of one of the types of syphilitis - sycosing folliculitis. In the titles of his articles about them, Hoffmann uses terms such as sycosis and gonorrhea. He does not strictly distinguish between chancroid gonorrhea and sycosis. His notes on this topic and his entire style of presentation make us think that the idea of ​​​​the existence of homologous diseases in men and women arose in him long before Berard. After all, back in 1876, he wrote about zmboid infection as “gonorrhea,” and in 79, while describing male trichophytosis, he noted 3 variants of the course of the disease, also characteristic of dermatomycosis in women