
Cholangioma is a benign tumor of the tissue of the gallbladder duct or bile ducts. It occurs much more often in women than in men, and is considered one of the most common types of benign tumors of the biliary tract. The cause of the disease has not yet been established.

Often such formations are diagnosed only during an ultrasound for another reason or during a diagnostic study. The most common symptoms of cholangioma are thickening of the gland and visual changes in its structure. The tumors are so small in size that they may not cause discomfort and be asymptomatic. The main symptoms of cholangioma: heaviness in the right hypochondrium, pain on the right side of the abdominal cavity at the top, discomfort during physical activity. Symptoms of chronic infection may also include fever, chills, fatigue, loss of appetite and persistent discomfort. But, in some cases, the disease may occur without any symptoms at all. This type of gallstone disease is usually discovered incidentally during an ultrasound examination of the bile ducts. Such cysts predominantly appear in elderly people as a solid formation with increased echogenicity. If the tumor is located outside the porta hepatis, pain does not occur. When the tumor is pinched in the area of ​​the right lobe, pain spreads to the abdomen and the right side of the shoulder. In this situation, additional screening of the abdominal organs is necessary to exclude colorectal cancer.

Cholangioma (cholangioceleratoma) is a tumor-like benign formation that develops from the mucous membrane of the bile ducts or their terminal section. An ulcer is the localization of cholangioma, most often in the gallbladder in children and adults, more often in the Biaritz-2 area, which allows us to consider this tumor a precancerous disease, especially in the latter case. In this case, the predisposing factor is chronic cholecystitis. Most common in mature women. The diagnosis is made by cytological examination of bile sediment. Surgical treatment involves removing the formation along with some healthy tissue. Surgical treatment, most often removal of the tumor, in all cases at any age.