Cholangia Gastritnaya

Cholangiocholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis - (cholangio + lat. cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder; sitovycosis + lymphadenitis) is an inflammation of the bile ducts and bile ducts as a result of infectious or viral diseases (the main causes of cholangiosis cholestasis). In Russian, the names “cholangia” and “cholithiasis” are not used, which Western doctors use instead of the term “pathology of the biliary tract”. It is advisable to divide cholangiocholecystitis into several categories: - cholangiohepatitis - obstructive disease of the bile ducts, acute purulent cholecystitis. develops when microorganisms (mainly staphylococcus, streptococcus) enter the gallbladder and bile duodenal ducts ascending through the main duct. The entry of infection occurs due to trauma to the abdominal cavity, penetrating thermal or chemical trauma, surgery on the gall bladder, due to the transition of the inflammatory process from the liver or pancreas. Men are affected five times more often than women. - infection of the bile ducts and their subsequent blockage with large stones leads to the formation of enteritis against the background of acute cholecystitis and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Characterized by constant pain in the right side, vomiting, yellow urine and feces, dehydration. - obstruction in cancer: this is explained by the anatomical location of the entry into the bile ducts (papillomas, polyps, formations in the form of a “lump”) and damage to mucosal cells. Tumors of malignant etiology include the appearance of dense neoplasms along the periphery of the portal of the liver, when blood circulation is disrupted up to its complete loss. When performing surgery, removing such cancerous tumors is irrational, difficult and unsafe. The complexity of the operation lies in changing the shape and location of the common choleretic duct. Treatment of such malignant tumors is ineffective. After 2-3 years the likelihood of relapse