
This term is used to describe an approach to patient care in which the physical, mental and social factors affecting the patient are taken into account to a greater extent than a simple diagnosis of the patient's existing disease. The term is also applied to various orthodox and unorthodox methods of treatment. The holistic approach considers a person as a whole, and not just a collection of organs and systems.

In holistic treatment, the doctor seeks to identify and eliminate the root causes of the disease, and not just fight the symptoms. It takes into account the emotional and spiritual state of the patient, his relationships in the family and at work. Holistic medicine includes both traditional and alternative treatments. Its goal is to achieve optimal health for the whole person.

Holistic approaches to healing are becoming increasingly popular in medicine and other areas of health care. This approach takes into account the physical, mental and social factors that affect the patient and seeks to improve all aspects of their life, rather than just treating a specific disease.

The term “holistic” comes from the Greek word “holos,” which means “whole.” This approach assumes that a person is an integral system, and the health of each part depends on the health of the whole organism.

A holistic approach to treatment includes not only treating the disease, but also improving nutrition, physical activity, sleep, psychological well-being and social relationships. This approach helps the patient not only get rid of a specific disease, but also improve the quality of their life in general.

A holistic approach to treatment may also include various alternative therapies such as traditional Chinese medicine, yoga, meditation, massage and others. These techniques can help the patient achieve a deeper level of relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall health.

However, it should be noted that the holistic approach is not always the only correct one. In some cases, traditional treatment may be required, especially in cases of severe illnesses that require more serious medical intervention.

Overall, the holistic approach to healing is an important alternative to traditional medicine, and its popularity continues to grow. If you are interested in taking a holistic approach to your health, be sure to discuss this issue with your healthcare provider and explore different treatments that can help you achieve better overall health.

Holistic medicine approach to health is the philosophy and practice of a holistic or holistic approach to medicine, including not only the treatment of diseases, but also the treatment of these diseases in the context of their impact on all aspects of a person's life. Methodologically, Holism - as a specific direction in medicine - is a response to the denial of the environment in the name of finding the most suitable goals and resources for solving it, when health deterioration occurs due to a violation of the normal holistic environment.

This means that in the field of holistic medicine there are no phenomena isolated from surrounding concepts, situations and interactions that must be excluded because they pose a threat to the person himself, his life and health.