Home Birth

Home Birth: How to Make the Right Choice

Childbirth is one of the most important and troubling moments in the life of any woman. One of the key questions that arises before every pregnant woman is where to give birth? Maternity hospital or at home? In Russia, most women prefer maternity hospitals, fearing unexpected complications. However, more and more couples are choosing home birth. In this article we will look at the pros and cons of both options and help you decide on the right choice.

Home birth is not for everyone. Typically, home births are attended by couples with a special attitude to life, who perceive pregnancy not as a disease, and childbirth not as an operation. Women who decide to give birth at home, as a rule, categorically do not accept the practice of active labor management, traditional for the maternity hospital: bladder puncture, stimulation, cesarean section, anesthesia, perineal incision, pulling the baby out with forceps, etc. These women want to give birth in a calm, homely environment, surrounded by loved ones and as naturally as possible.

Home birth has a number of advantages. Firstly, it's comfort. Your own bed, a nearby bathroom, pleasant music, dim lights or even candles - all this creates a cozy and homely atmosphere that helps you relax and cope with stress. In addition, at home the expectant mother is surrounded by “native” bacteria that are familiar to her body.

However, having decided to give birth at home, a woman must be aware that she is taking a risk. Childbirth is an unpredictable process, and even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, no one can guarantee that everything will go smoothly. If a woman has risk factors, such as a high risk of caesarean section or early labor, then home birth can be very dangerous. In addition, home birth is not recommended for those expecting their first child. It is believed that the first birth is much more difficult than subsequent ones.

Before you decide to have a home birth, you need to be well prepared. Sign up for a good training course for expectant mothers and fathers that accepts both birth options. There you will be provided with the necessary information about pregnancy, childbirth, the first days of the child’s life and the postpartum condition of the mother. During the course you will also receive contact information for obstetricians and attendants who can help you if necessary. Don't forget that home birth requires special training and knowledge, so don't hesitate to ask your doctor questions and get advice from specialists.

A maternity hospital is the safest option for childbirth. Highly qualified specialists with many years of experience work there; equipment and medications are always available; there is always the opportunity to quickly provide assistance to both mother and child. In addition, maternity hospitals provide psychological support and assistance in adapting the newborn to life outside the womb.

However, not all maternity hospitals are equal. As a rule, state maternity hospitals are more accessible, but the environment there may not be very comfortable, and the staff is not always attentive to the wishes and needs of the woman in labor. Private maternity hospitals, on the contrary, can provide a higher level of service and comfort, but their cost can be significantly higher.

How to make the right choice? It all depends on your needs and desires. If you want to have your baby as naturally as possible and have no risk factors, then a home birth may be a good option. However, if you prefer greater safety and are ready for prompt assistance in case of complications, then a maternity hospital is a more suitable option. In any case, do not forget about training and consultations with specialists in order to make the right choice and protect yourself and your baby.