Chondromatosis Synovial

Chondromatosis is a very rare disease that affects the most durable connective layer in the body - the synovial membrane and manifests itself in the form of nodes consisting of connective tissue protruding above the surface of the joint or even spreading inward. They can occur anywhere from the femur to the joint capsule of the shoulder joint. However, if this disease affects the knee joint, there is a high chance of complete loss of function of the leg. In other words, if the disease progresses, the patient may not be able to walk on his own at all. In this article we will look at what chondroile matous synoval disease is and how it affects the human body.

Chondromatosis Synoval is

Chondromatosis synovale, also known as chondroma, is one of the variants of a benign tumor of bone tissue. Although it is not cancer, any type of malignant neoplasm from the list of sarcoidosis differs from it in that pain appears with sarcoma, for example. Chondomas originate in a wide variety of tissues of the human body, and the osteochondral component is present in them quite rarely. Most often, chondomas occur in soft