Good hygienic lipstick for the winter

In winter, we face the problem of chapped lips. There are 6 reasons why this happens:

  1. lack of vitamins;
  2. environmental influences: strong wind, frost, scorching sun;
  3. dry skin;
  4. habit of licking lips;
  5. smoking;
  6. allergies to cosmetics.

Why you shouldn't lick your lips

More often, cracks on the lips appear in the corners or on the lower lip. The upper lip is less susceptible to cracking, since the lower lip is usually licked. Human saliva contains two enzymes that greatly affect dry lips: amylase and maltase. When the saliva on your lips dries, it evaporates the natural moisture, resulting in more dry lips. Therefore, you should not lick your lips, especially in the wind and frost.

Lip care

Caring for your lips in winter involves cleaning, softening, moisturizing and applying protective products.

To prevent dry lips, you need to exfoliate once a week to remove dead body parts. You can buy the scrub at the store or make it yourself. To exfoliate yourself, spread melted honey on your lips and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off the honey with warm water or eat it, and pat your lips with a damp towel to remove dead skin. You cannot use this method if you have cracks or wounds on your lips.


All you need is a soft toothbrush. After scrubbing and massaging your lips, apply a moisturizing mask.

You will need:

  1. 1 tsp sour cream;
  2. 1 tsp olive oil;
  3. a few drops of lemon.

Mix everything thoroughly and apply on lips. Hold for 10 minutes.

Brew chamomile tea, dip a cotton pad in it and remove the mask from your lips.

There are 3 remedies to protect against dry lips:

  1. Coconut oil. It is easily absorbed into the skin. Serves as an emollient and moisturizer. To use, heat the oil in a water bath or in the microwave and apply warm to your lips several times a day. Because of its shine, the oil can be used as a lip gloss.
  2. Cucumber. Contains 90% water to help restore moisture to lips. Cucumber contains ascorbic acid, which promotes collagen production. Cut the cucumber into slices and leave on your lips for 20 minutes.
  3. Balm. Use as often as possible. It contains herbs and natural oils that soften and nourish the skin of the lips.


Interesting fact

The first balms began to be produced in the Middle East. Cosmetics were made from the resin of the balsam tree - hence the name. The first lip balm is considered to be a product created in the 18th century. in Paris. It is made from balsam tree resin and rose essential oil. Several decades later, Dr. Charles Brown Fleet, MD, launched balms made in his personal laboratory. They were in the form of sticks and became popular among the female population of Europe.

The best chapsticks

Among the many companies producing hygienic lipsticks, several of the best should be highlighted.

  1. Hurraw. The lipstick is suitable for girls and schoolgirls, as it contains natural substances that protect and moisturize lips. It does not contain animal ingredients, so it is suitable for vegans.
  2. EOS. Lipstick moisturizes lips for a long time. It has the shape of a ball or stick. The taste is sweet and can be felt on the lips. Organic natural composition. Nice smell.
  3. Uriage. Well nourishes and softens the skin of the lips. Does not have an unpleasant smell or taste.
  4. Carmex. It comes in sticks, balls and tubes. It is also suitable for people with dry lips in winter, as it moisturizes, heals cracks and lasts a long time on the lips. It comes unscented and with the scent of menthol, cherry or strawberry.
  5. Yves Rosher. It is colorless, contains natural moisturizing ingredients, and protects the skin of the lips in windy weather.


Folk remedies for lip care

To soften and moisturize your lips, as well as quickly heal small cracks, use folk remedies.

Combine the ingredients in equal quantities and apply on lips for 15-20 minutes. Applesauce is best made from fresh apples without additives.

Take equal proportions of cocoa butter and coconut oil - these are base oils, and heat them in a steam bath until smooth. Remove from the water bath and add liquid oils according to your wishes:

  1. almond oil – to moisturize and nourish the skin;
  2. avocado oil – relieves various dermatitis, including from cold;
  3. rosehip – regenerates the skin and saturates it with vitamin C;
  4. calendula – has antiseptic properties, relieves inflammation.

Liquid oils should be added in a ratio of 4:1 - 4 parts base oil to 1 part liquid.


If you want to make the balm colored, add beet juice to base oils in a 1:2 ratio and leave in a steam bath for half an hour. Remove the container from the steam bath and place it in cold water. Stir the oils as they cool. When the oil cools, it will turn red.

Hygienic lipstick contains a whole range of ingredients that provide nourishment, hydration and protection to delicate skin. In addition to vitamins, the composition includes antiseptic and antibacterial agents. They allow you to fight herpes, which poisons the lives of many women.

There is hygienic colorless lipstick for men, products with natural ingredients intended for children. Despite all the usefulness of hygienic lipstick, it can be contraindicated due to allergies, so before purchasing such cosmetics you need to visit a cosmetologist.

What are they made of?

Each company has a recipe for chapstick, but the main ingredients remain the same. The balm base is a mixture of wax, oils, plant extracts and fats. The lipstick contains the following substances:

  1. wax;
  2. oils;
  3. herbal ingredients;
  4. vitamins;
  5. amino acids;
  6. medications;
  7. humidifiers.

What a good hygienic lipstick should not contain are strong fragrances, dyes and petrochemical products.

How are hygienic lipsticks produced (production)

Balms are produced in pharmaceutical factories. All natural products are tested during production to ensure compliance with special requirements. Then the required components are dispensed and mixed. At this stage, the wax is heated to a liquid state and mixed with other ingredients. The centrifuge removes all air bubbles. After this, the finished mixture crystallizes over two days.

Then the mixture is melted again, formed and divided into standard pieces. At the last stage, the lipstick rod is placed in a plastic case.

How does a balm differ from a hygienic lipstick?

Hygienic lipstick is more of a preventative and protective product. It protects the skin from exposure to natural factors. It comes in stick form, like a regular lipstick, and is convenient to carry and use in any conditions. It can protect against wind, cold and ultraviolet radiation. Balms have a narrow spectrum of action. They are moisturizing, nourishing and healing. Often the product is available in jars for home use.

How to choose

The choice of balm is determined by the characteristics of the body, the tendency to allergies and the specific problem. For example, which one to choose for dry lips. To do this, you need to look at what components are contained and contained in the product. The best moisturizers are coconut and castor oil. Moisturizing lipsticks contain a large percentage of wax. For an enlargement effect, use hyaluronic acid. If the problem is herpes, then you need to choose a remedy with acyclovir.

Rating of the best balms/hygienic lipsticks

The rating includes different types of balms from famous world brands.

A delicate cosmetic product is suitable for women whose skin is highly sensitive. There are no hyperactive ingredients in the composition of the hygienic lipstick. The basis is shea butter and asiatic acid, which is contained in Asian centella. These components have a moisturizing and protective effect. Glycerin softens lips and relieves the painful effect of microcracks. Vitamin E provides nutrition and cell restoration. The disadvantage is the price and short-term action. Vichy is available in stick form.

The hyaluronic acid contained in this cosmetic product moisturizes lips and increases volume. The composition provides nutrition and softening. Effective in the presence of microcracks and peeling. The components of the product promote the healing of the dermis, while its upper dry layer painlessly lags behind. The skin becomes soft and tender. Lipstick that increases lip volume with hyaluronic acid can be used for daily repeated use, for preventive purposes and as a base for makeup. The cost of the stick is 500-600 rubles.

The main active ingredient is panthenol, a derivative of panthenolic acid. This substance stimulates the formation of epithelial tissue, which is necessary for dry and flaky lips. In place of the dried scales, a new layer of epithelium is formed. Shea butter nourishes the skin and helps retain moisture in its deep layers. Avanta contains natural beeswax, which additionally softens. Some users report a strong lipstick odor and a burning sensation on their lips. The stick costs 50 rubles.

Hygienic lipstick is designed for protection during the cold season. Bagnoles de Lorne water, obtained from a thermal spring, is very soothing and relieves irritation. Chamomile extract contains alpha-bisabolol, which heals cracks and restores the lipid barrier. Apricot oil stimulates the process of regeneration and restoration of damaged areas. Shea butter activates collagen production and protects lips from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Dermophil lipstick is not suitable for women with extreme dryness due to its low effectiveness.

The cosmetic product contains not only cocoa butter, but also dispersed powder from grated beans, which gives the lipstick a piquant chocolate color. The balm does not leave any tint on the lips. You can learn about tint balms in this material. It contains no animal fats or mineral oils. The product is based on a mixture of beeswax and carnauba wax. Almond oil softens the skin well, and cocoa components provide nutrition. The retractable lipstick “Vkusville” has a dense texture, so it is difficult to apply it to the skin at subzero temperatures. It costs around 350 rubles.

An inexpensive product from a Russian brand contains avocado and coconut oils, which have a preventive effect. Oils retain moisture and provide deep nutrition to the dermis. Basic care lipstick does not contain fragrances or preservatives, so it can be used by women prone to allergies. Tocopherol acetate or vitamin E activates the restoration of skin damage in a short time. Natural beeswax does not irritate the dermis, covering it with a thin but dense protective layer. The price of lolipops lipstick is 100-130 rubles.

Many women suffer from excessive dry skin. Hygienic lipstick AEVIT with increased fat content is designed to eliminate all symptoms of dry skin. It softens and moisturizes the epidermis, promotes the healing of cracks and other damage, and eliminates the effect of peeling. Aevit hygienic lipstick contains avocado, shea butter and coconut oils. Retinol and tocopherol vitaminize the skin, penetrating into its deep layers. Beeswax and candelilla wax create a protective film, and pure Vaseline eliminates painful sensations from microcracks. The product dries quickly and comes in the form of a 4 gram stick.

This hygiene product is recommended for women over middle age. The lipstick contains ingredients that plump up lips and correct them during the initial signs of aging. Purslane extract slows down the appearance of the main signs of age. This is constant dryness, the appearance of microcracks and changes in shape. One of the first factors of wilting is loss of volume. Due to the unique formula of the lip plumping balm, volume can be restored with regular use of Belweder lipstick. Costs 130-160 rubles.

Cinnamon Bun contains only natural ingredients. Calendula flower extract retains moisture in tissues, and beeswax prevents its rapid evaporation. Hypoallergenic lipstick protects from wind and cold. Cocoa butter softens and allows you to keep your shape in good shape. Sea buckthorn oil has a healing effect, promoting the healing of microcracks. A short-lasting effect and high density are noted. This makes it difficult to apply lipstick in cold weather. The stick price starts at 30 rubles.

The balm of this brand can be used by women of any age. Castor oil softens the skin well, relieving the discomfort of dryness and cracks. The consistency of the composition is greasy and oily, which ensures even application in cold weather. The balm contains enough vitamins to nourish and moisturize the skin. Some women note the pungent odor and unpleasant taste of Vivien Sabo Balm. It belongs to budget products. Price 150-200 rubles.

The most important component of hygienic lipstick is propolis. This beekeeping product has preventive and medicinal properties. It protects lips from chapping from cold air. In addition, propolis fights bacteria. Lanolin softens the skin and accelerates the healing of cracks. Vegetable and castor oil nourish tissues and promote moisture retention. Beeswax and carnauba wax, mixed in equal proportions, create an external protective barrier. The lipstick spreads well on the lips due to its oily consistency. It is noted that the protective properties appear when a thick layer is applied.

Hygienic lipstick is intended for regular daily care. The product does not contain allergic components and can be used from any age. Fruit kiss protects against chapping, softens and nourishes the skin and has regenerating properties. The components of the lipstick relieve irritation and soften dryness. It is recommended to apply it before each exit to the street. The base is natural beeswax, to which vitamins and fruit oils and extracts are added. The line includes 9 balms with various herbal ingredients. Michelle's price is noted to be from 950 to 1,200 rubles.

The development of the American brand Coca-Cola includes six types of hygienic lipstick with various additives. Cherry contains cherry extract, so it has the smell and taste of fruit. The composition is colorless and applies well and evenly. Thanks to the successful selection of components, the lipstick applies well and lasts a long time. It moisturizes and vitaminizes without causing allergic reactions. The balm promotes the healing of microcracks, eliminating dryness and flaking. The disadvantage of cherry-flavored balm is the lack of a prolonged effect. It is necessary to frequently renew the protective layer. Price 250 rubles.

A universal balm with fruit flavor in original packaging intended for prevention and hygienic care. Eucalyptus oil, which has a strong antibacterial effect, helps protect lips from various external irritants. Aloe extract treats microcracks. Castor oil moisturizes and softens lips. Farres lipstick contains components such as isopropyl and lanolin, so the use of cosmetics may cause an allergic reaction in some women. A small package of 2.6 grams costs 50 rubles. You can learn about face masks with castor oil in the article.

Velvet hygienic lipstick without Vaseline lives up to its name because it perfectly softens the lips, making the skin soft and smooth. Tea tree oil restores damage and destroys pathogenic microflora. The composition contains castor oil, which contains a large amount of vitamins. Beeswax and candelilla wax provide the thick texture of the lipstick. The product is intended for repeated use throughout the day. Lipstick does not lose consistency at above-zero temperatures. It can be used for preventive purposes by applying before bedtime.

This hygienic lipstick can be classified as a balm, as it has well-defined medicinal properties. Natural beeswax forms a resistant film on the lips, which is a reliable fuse and protects lips well from frost and strong wind. Shea butter (karite) stimulates cell regeneration and renewal, maintaining elasticity. Calendula extract moisturizes and softens, relieving painful and unpleasant sensations from dryness. Arnica helps eliminate inflammatory processes. It has healing properties. Laino price 220-270 rubles

Non-dangerous viral diseases cause a lot of trouble for women. Cosmetic lipstick for herpes allows you to get rid of lip rashes. Evalar includes several herbal components and acyclovir, which is a strong antiviral drug. It speeds up the healing process and eliminates discomfort. The base is beeswax. It protects lips, leaving them soft. Cocoa butter stimulates metabolism at the cellular level. Lecithin allows vitamins and other beneficial substances to penetrate deeply into cellular structures. The price of a balm with acyclovir is 150-170 rubles.

This affordable lipstick provides lightweight weather protection. It does not contain components that are included in expensive products, so its preventive and therapeutic effect is modest. Sunflower and castor oil soften the skin and help normalize water and lipid balance. Sea buckthorn extract is a proven healing agent, so the lipstick can be used in the presence of cracks and other damage. Rapeseed oil has a softening effect. Contains vitamin E and beta-carotene oil solution. All users note that the stick is inconvenient and unreliable and breaks.

Hygienic lipstick with glitter is popular among young women. It creates an interesting structure and allows you to hide minor defects. The composition of the cosmetic product includes natural oils, extracts of medicinal herbs and coloring pigments. Coconut oil and cocoa butter provide hydration and long-lasting moisture retention. The vitamin complex creates conditions for cell regeneration and restoration. The balm contains soothing and anti-irritation ingredients. It is noted that this lipstick cannot cope with serious problems. The price of the Beauty care product is 120-180 rubles.

The classic balm is intended for daily lip care. It contains substances that are ultraviolet protectors. Ozokerite and petrolatum in combination with beeswax and paraffin provide skin protection with SPF15 class. Cocoa butter saturates the dermis with moisture, salicylic acid has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. A small amount of menthol gives a feeling of freshness. It relieves pain by creating a cooling sensation. The balm should be applied to the skin of the lips 15 minutes before going out into the sun so that the composition has time to be absorbed. Re-application is allowed after 2 hours. Price 280-350 rubles.

How to use/use and apply correctly, use during pregnancy and expiration dates

When using lip balms correctly, you should remember that this is not a makeup product, but a preventive and therapeutic drug. They are used before going outside. This is recommended to be done on days when the level of negative factors increases. Such factors are extreme cold, wind or bright sun. Hygienic lipsticks, for preventive purposes, can be applied at home. This is good to do at night, before bed. In the morning, before going outside, the old layer is removed and a new one is applied.

Lipsticks that provide sun protection include ultraviolet protectors. Such balms should be used only before going outside. There is no need to use them at home. Apply a thin layer, which must reach the corners of the lips. Infection most often gathers there, and if cracks occur, these places will suffer the most. A woman’s pregnancy does not impose strong prohibitions on cosmetics; however, when creating various preparations, products are used that are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they can harm the unborn child. These include the following substances:

  1. retinol, retinol acetate and esters;
  2. essential oils of mint and geranium;
  3. salicylic and glycolic acids.

Chapstick makes your lips dry (dry lips)

Much in this matter depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Glycerin, which is a moisturizer, causes the opposite effect in some users and causes severe dryness. In this case, you need to consult a cosmetologist and change it.

This may be in cases where the purchased cosmetic product is a crude fake or when the lipstick is good, but has expired.

Can it be used after tattooing or lip augmentation?

After applying cosmetic procedures related to lip correction, the use of hygienic lipsticks and balms is allowed, but with great caution. After tattooing, you can use vitamin and moisturizing formulations. The main thing is to carefully read the composition of the hygiene product. You should avoid lipsticks with citrus esters, menthol or organic acids. Cosmetic lipstick or balm after lip augmentation should be neutral.

Does hygienic lipstick help with acne and seizures?

Hygienic lipsticks contain substances that help get rid of jams. Seizures (angulitis) are small ulcers that appear in the corners of the lips. They look ugly and are painful. Almost any hygienic balm can get rid of the jam, but preference should be given to products with panthenol. It dries out acne, which helps get rid of this defect. Find out about acne masks here.

Contraindications and allergic reaction (allergies) to lipstick

Allergic reactions to cosmetics are becoming common. Instead of helping to solve hygiene problems, the balm adds new troubles. After the first use, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. rash around the edges;
  2. bubbles with liquid;
  3. edema;
  4. redness.

This means individual intolerance to the components included in the composition. Before use, it should be tested on the skin of the hand and if there is no redness or burning, the balm can be applied to the lips.

During pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.

How can you replace chapstick?

What to do if you don’t have hygienic lipstick and what to anoint your lips with. Before going outside, you can apply any cream to the surface, but it is better if it contains panthenol. You can learn about the features of using Bepanten cream by following the link. To soften, you can use Vaseline, but not technical Vaseline. Natural honey is very helpful in softening the skin. Apply it before bed for preventive purposes. Find out more about honey and lemon face masks here.


Interesting video reviewing a large number of lip balms

Self-care is an important part of the life of every modern person. With the help of special cosmetics, you can not only maintain your attractiveness, but also monitor your health. How to protect your lips from the sun, wind and frost, but still look beautiful? Let's look at the best hygienic lipsticks in this article.

What are the funds for?

They are often used not only by ladies, but also by representatives of the stronger sex. The balm performs not so much a decorative as a protective function, helping to maintain the skin in normal condition in all weather conditions.

The fact is that the skin around the mouth does not contain sebaceous glands. Accordingly, replenishment with melanin is impossible, and it is still necessary to protect yourself from exposure to sunlight, cold and wind. For this you will need a good moisturizing lipstick. It should be applied approximately once every two hours. This is quite enough to eliminate the negative impact of the environment.

What should be included

When choosing cosmetics, you need to remember that they are different:

  1. Balm version. The best option that can be used at any time of the year.
  2. Nutritious. Thanks to plant extracts, the skin is provided with beneficial substances.
  3. Moisturizing. Antiviral. Heal damaged tissue structure and protect the body from viruses in winter and autumn.
  4. With ultraviolet filters. Help reduce the negative impact of solar radiation.

The best hygienic lipsticks and balms for dry lips always contain beeswax, as well as vitamins A, B, E, C and various extracts. For example, apricot, castor and jojoba oils are highly valued. They contain the required amount of amino acids, which have a moisturizing and softening effect.

Anti-inflammatory products most often contain aloe. Chamomile and calendula perfectly protect against viruses in the cold season. It is also possible to contain the following components:

Without this ingredient, cosmetics would not be able to provide the skin with the necessary substances. In addition, due to oil impurities, the products retain moisture and dissolve pigments. The most common option is castor. For many centuries, humanity has valued it for its nutritional qualities. It does not oxidize, has a moisturizing effect, and also performs a decorative function, adding shine.

The second most popular is the species extracted from avocados. It makes the skin more delicate. The composition may contain olive and coconut components. Vaseline and lanolin are also often used.

This element helps lipsticks with glitter, menthol, color or tint gain their protective properties. Thanks to wax impurities, cosmetics improve the elasticity of the lip area and protect against inflammation and irritation.

Cosmetologists recommend using products containing hypoallergenic carnauba palm fat for people with sensitive skin. This component also determines the consistency, preventing it from spreading even in the heat. Candelilla wax is often added, which is obtained from cacti growing in Central America. It adds an attractive shine.

Useful additives enhance the effect. Good hygienic lipsticks, the ratings of which will be presented below, necessarily contain vitamin supplements:

  1. A - due to which the main softening and regenerating effect occurs.
  2. B - relieves inflammation and rejuvenates the skin.
  3. C - accelerates the healing of damaged areas.
  4. E - allows you to protect against ultraviolet radiation.

The aloe vera component has proven itself very well. It additionally softens and smoothes the texture of the skin and relieves irritation. Chamomile is considered one of the most effective anti-inflammatory substances. It is also an effective antiseptic. Lavender performs a cleansing function and improves blood vessel circulation and eliminates flaking.

They protect against the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Lipstick with this component allows you to avoid unwanted pigmentation and slow down aging, because the sun can significantly speed up all metabolic processes.

You also cannot do without antioxidants, preservatives and various perfumes. Preservatives help preserve beneficial properties, antioxidant additives prevent oxidation, and the latter are needed to mask the odor of raw materials of animal origin.

How to choose

It is very important to pay attention not only to the components contained in the composition, but also to freshness. To understand which lipstick is best, you need to choose several options and compare them. If condensation is visible on the rod, this indicates that the ingredients that were used in production have begun to decompose.

Such a product will not only not fulfill its protective function, but will also increase irritation. Typically, the shelf life is about three years, but this only applies to new products. After opening, the hygiene kit is used for three to four months.

Now there are enough offers on the market for every taste and color. There are not only clear versions, but also fondants in different shades. However, we must not forget that dyes can cause an allergic reaction.

5 types of hygienic lipsticks

There are five types of lip care.

It is recommended to protect your skin from the sun if necessary. In addition to the fact that it will have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, it can protect against UVA and UVB rays. The former often cause hyperpigmentation, while the latter can lead to burns. This causes the skin to become dehydrated and dry, and can also burn, which will be very noticeable.

Products marked accordingly on the packaging saturate with moisture more actively than other types. During the summer season, it is recommended to use this type.

Helps get rid of dryness, irritation and heal microcracks. It is famous for its regenerating properties, which are imparted by calendula and aloe vera extracts.

A hybrid of decorative cosmetics and hygiene products. In addition to protective properties, it gives sponges a certain shade.

Heals wounds and prevents cracks. It also reduces the likelihood of herpes.

Features and composition of glitter products

In addition to oils, waxes and vitamins, the cosmetic product also contains decorative impurities - glitters and shimmers. The first ones are simply small, and the second ones are completely reduced to the state of powder.

Advantages and disadvantages

Therapeutic lipsticks reliably protect the skin from the negative influence of the environment: protect from exposure to UV rays, prevent dryness, irritation and inflammation. However, you need to remember the disadvantages:

  1. A moisturizing balm will wear off after a certain time, so it is important to renew it periodically.
  2. Nourishing sanitary pads are enriched with wax and fats, but can cause discomfort.
  3. Tinted varieties often lead to allergic reactions.

How to choose the optimal shade

Products usually have dim, universal colors, but when choosing, it is still important to take into account your complexion type:

  1. Options with a blue undertone are suitable for a cool type. Species that go into raspberry or cherry tones would be appropriate. It is recommended to exclude coral and orange.
  2. Warm ones will reveal themselves better if you use balms with yellow, golden and other bright dyes.
  3. Anything goes with neutral, so any cosmetics will look harmonious.

To determine your category, just look at the inside of your wrist. If the veins there are blue, then the color type is cold, green - warm. And if it is difficult to determine this, it is neutral.

Features of red lipstick with glitter

This cosmetic product is rightfully considered universal. It suits almost every girl, and the shiny components enhance the decorative effect. Specific shades are selected according to type, but for every fashionista the available palette is quite wide, which cannot be said about orange or bluish tones.

Characteristics of the white variety

This color can be used in combination with decorative components to create thematic makeup, but no one forbids wearing this color every day. Some young ladies mix it with color to get a lighter pastel color scheme. If you apply it first, the effect will be weaker, and if you apply bright lipstick first, you will get a stronger lightening.