Horror: in a year, a woman’s body ends up with 3 kg of cosmetics!

Recently, scientists from the University of Massachusetts released the results of their research, which can cause real horror in any woman. According to this study, about 3 kg of cosmetics penetrate into the female body per year, provided they are used regularly. These components that make up cosmetics enter the bloodstream and can cause allergies, intoxication and even chronic poisoning.

It is especially sad that many women do not monitor the expiration date of cosmetics, store them incorrectly and do not read the ingredients on the packaging before purchasing. Therefore, the researchers urge women to take the results of their study seriously and stop being careless with the many tubes on their dressing table.

One of the main dangers is that expired cosmetics have a carcinogenic effect and often cause the development of cancer. This is another reason why it is necessary to monitor the expiration date of cosmetics and store them correctly.

In addition, many components contained in cosmetics can cause allergic reactions in women with sensitive skin. Some of them can also cause skin irritation, dryness, flaking and other problems.

To avoid these problems, women should be more attentive to the choice of cosmetics and monitor their expiration dates. If you notice any allergic reactions to cosmetics, stop using them immediately and consult a doctor.

So, the results of a study conducted by scientists from the University of Massachusetts can cause real horror in any woman. However, if you monitor the expiration date of cosmetics, store them correctly and choose cosmetics taking into account the characteristics of your skin, you can avoid many problems and maintain your health and beauty for many years.