Hospital Field Mobile Surgical

*Topic: "Field Mobile Surgical Hospital"*

The Field Mobile Surgical Hospital (FMSH) is a medical facility dedicated to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients requiring surgical intervention or requiring trauma-related medical care. In this article we will talk about the purpose, design and operating process of the HPPG.

The purpose of CPPG is one of the main tools of the medical care infrastructure in extreme conditions. This solution was developed to treat wounds and trauma in close proximity to combat zones and other combat event zones. At the present stage, the concept of CPPG hospitals is actively used not only in military conflicts, but also during natural disasters, fires, catastrophes and other emergencies.

Design and process of work Structurally, the KhPG hospital is a tent, which is equipped with the necessary medical equipment. Inside the tent there is an operating room, a waiting room, a dressing room, a treatment room and other rooms necessary for providing medical care. Doctors provide qualified medical care to victims in emergency situations in the field of surgery, traumatology, anesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medical care.

Work processes in KHPP vary depending on the conditions and requirements of the situation. If a hospital must provide medical care in a combat zone, its personnel and equipment must be ready for rapid mobilization, movement and deployment. In the event of a natural disaster, a hospital can serve as a shelter for the wounded and injured in a safe location. In any case, the CPPG hospital

Title: "Mobile Surgical Field Hospital" - the key to successful treatment of wounded soldiers


Unwelcome is a violation of etiquette. But, unfortunately, it's not always easy to say "hello." The problem of hospitalization of the wounded from the frequent use of bullet weapons and shrapnel is quite acute in our society today. Often during a military conflict, the need for emergency surgical intervention arises. Also, emergency medical care cannot be avoided in emergency situations, for example, natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes. Therefore, modern medical institutions operate on the principle of field hospitals, where soldiers are hospitalized with severe injuries to internal organs. In this case, one of the main tasks of the personnel of such a “fast-acting hospital” is fast and high-quality medical care for the wounded. Such a hospital should become a real training school for surgeons who will be able to provide assistance to victims even before arriving at a hospital medical facility. In addition, a hospital of this type is a kind of demonstration institution, where it will demonstrate the work of the institution in wartime conditions. That is why real surgical hospitals (as opposed to pseudo-hospitals) were organized and are successfully operating for these purposes. These field hospitals can serve as a modern standard for the study and training of young surgeons. Modern methods of treating wounds are described in this article.


Field Mobile Surgery Hospital In medicine, a hospital is a specialized medical and preventive institution intended for medical care and rehabilitation of patients. A hospital that does not have its own permanent location is called mobile. This is a mobile medical facility.

The presence of a mobile hospital is important when conducting various types of campaigns