Hospital Help

Hospital assistance

Hospital care is provided by specialized hospitals, hospitals and other stationary (fixed) medical institutions. Hospitals are divided into _public_ and _private_. The first are financed by the state, the second - from the budget of citizens. In hospitals, they carry out diagnostics (X-rays, tomography, radiology, laboratory examination, functional research methods), treatment, disease prevention, and also monitor the patient’s condition, prescribe treatment, and refer them to sanatorium-resort treatment. In addition, emergency services (resuscitation, surgery, etc.) are provided in the hospitals of some medical institutions.

The variety of medical services in the provision of hospital care lies in the availability of inpatient care of different profiles. For example _, cardiology hospital_, where emergency and routine medical care is provided to patients

Hospital care is medical care provided to patients undergoing inpatient treatment in medical institutions. It can be provided by both public and private medical institutions. Hospital treatment includes a wide range of services, ranging from diagnosis of the disease to its treatment, as well as monitoring the patient's condition after discharge from the hospital.

Hospital care is provided by a variety of specialists, from doctors and nurses to technical workers such as orderlies and housekeepers. They provide timely and high-quality medical care that meets the needs of the patient.

One of the main types of medical care is operations performed by experienced surgeons. During the operation, the patient receives full support and care from medical professionals.

In addition, the hospital provides other services,