If you want to get pregnant, drink wine.

If you want to get pregnant, drink wine

It seems that you can’t get pregnant, and all attempts remain unsuccessful? Try adding some wine to your life. It may sound like a joke, but a recent study found that women who drink a glass of wine every night can get pregnant faster.

The study was conducted at the Danish Research Center for Epidemiology and involved more than 30 thousand pregnant women. Half of them drank wine every day, and the other half did not drink alcohol at all. The study found that women who drank a glass of wine every night had a greater chance of getting pregnant in the first two months than women who did not drink alcohol or drank beer and hard liquor.

Scientists have not yet established the reason for this connection, but suggest that it may be due to the fact that wine contains beneficial substances such as resveratrol, which may have a positive effect on ovulation and implantation.

However, scientists warn that drinking large amounts of wine can have the opposite effect and worsen your chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, women should limit themselves to two glasses of wine per day.

Finally, it is worth noting that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can be harmful to the baby's health, so if you become pregnant, you should completely avoid alcohol. But if you're just planning a pregnancy, drinking wine in moderation can have a beneficial effect on your chances of getting pregnant.