How to achieve a snow-white smile

A radiant, “starry” smile is loved by everyone and is a desirable goal for those who have darkened tooth enamel for various reasons (this can happen due to smoking, drinking coffee, taking medications, rarely visiting the dentist, and so on).

The natural color of teeth varies from person to person, and with age, enamel wear and yellow plaque are added to this. Sometimes, to combat yellow plaque on your teeth, you just need to change something in your lifestyle - give up cigarettes, cola and coffee, and regularly take care of your oral cavity.

To lighten enamel, whitening pastes that contain abrasives and oxidizing agents are often used. Be careful with such pastes, as they can further deteriorate the enamel, damage gum tissue and cause allergies. Choose expensive pastes that contain titanium dioxide - an effective cleaning agent that causes the least harm. Also remember that to use a whitening paste, it is advisable to first visit a dentist; you can brush your teeth with such pastes no more than 2 times a week, and children, pregnant women and those who have caries or sensitive enamel should avoid using them altogether. And here cure a tooth cyst and find out the price You can access the service on the website

You can try to whiten the enamel using folk remedies - although they are less effective, they also cause less harm.

What kind of means are these?

1) Soda - first you need to take a toothpick, soak it in the iodine solution and treat the gums, then brush your teeth with soda (toothbrush) and rinse. The procedure is done once a week, not more often. As an option, once every two weeks take a little toothpaste, add baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice and brush your teeth with this.

2) Hydrogen peroxide - rinse your mouth with a peroxide solution for several minutes (dissolve 20 drops of peroxide in a quarter glass of water). You can also apply peroxide to a cotton swab and wipe your teeth. Do not forget to rinse your mouth well after using such products. This is a fairly effective product and easy to use.

3) Strawberries and wild strawberries - these berries contain natural substances with a whitening effect, but do not forget to brush your teeth thoroughly after processing (due to the high content of acids and glucose). Crush the berries and apply them to your teeth or run a berry over them, squeezing out the juice.

4) Charcoal or wood ash is an old bleaching agent. You can apply them directly to the brush and brush your teeth, or you can pre-mix them with toothpaste.