How to reduce the risk of transmission

When providing first aid to yourself or someone you know, for example, members of your family, you will probably be concerned about infection issues. But to reduce the risk of transmission of infection, even if you are providing first aid, the following safety precautions should be observed: Wear rubber gloves and other protective measures if possible.
Try not to touch the victim’s secretions (blood, saliva, vomit, etc.) and prevent splashes of them on you. And effective methods must be used to prevent contact with the victim’s secretions. For example, if you need to stop bleeding by applying direct pressure to a wound, ask the person to apply a tissue with their hand or place a tissue or other clean, dry cloth between your hand and the wound. You can use cellophane wrap or rubber gloves for protection.
And cover any cuts, scrapes or wounds on your skin with a bandage.
• Immediately after administering first aid, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, even if you are wearing gloves. Using
Wash your hands at the special washbasin or toilet sink, but do not wash your hands near food.
• Avoid eating or drinking during first aid until you wash your hands.
• Try not to touch objects
which may be contaminated with blood or
the laziness of the victim.
• During and after first aid, do not
actually use personal items
Use pens and combs until you wash your hands.
• Keep a first aid kit ready.
gi, which should include antiseptics
or soap and rubber gloves.
• Such precautions are used everywhere.
If you follow them, the risk of infection will
where it is minimized.