
Chromoradiometry is one of the methods for studying the properties of a liquid by changing its color depending on the wavelength of visible light. This method is based on the use of a chromatographic column, which separates the components of a substance and allows the optical density of each component to be measured. The measurement results are analyzed using special software to determine the concentration of components. Chromoradiometry is widely used in various fields of science and technology, such as medicine, biochemistry, chemistry, ecology, as well as in production processes.

History of the chromatoradiometric method Description of the method The chromatoradiometric method was developed in 1924 by Wilhelm Lvovich Holtzking. He based this method on his previous discovery, the principle of interaction between light and a semiconductor. The work proved that the use of semiconductors

What is a chromoradiomer? A chromoradiometer is a device that allows you to measure the intensity of light of different wavelengths (photon). The name of the device comes from the first letters of the Latin words “radium”, which translates as “radiation, radiation”, and “photos”, which translates as “light, photon”. It follows that a chromoradiometer is a device for measuring the emission of radiant energy.

Operating principle The operating principle is based on the properties of radioactive materials, which produce radiant energy, but are converted into a neutral isotope. It has a positive effect on the optic nerves. Constant long-term observation helps to calm, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve memory. The treatment of chromoradiometry is that the radiation flow moves parallel to the refracted beam of light through the lens and retina of the eye.