Huebscher's Tenotome

**Hübscher's Tenotome** is a special surgical instrument that is used to remove tonsils. This instrument was invented by German otolaryngologist Hermann Gübscher in 1938. It has a long handle that allows the surgeon to easily reach the tonsils and a sharp tip that allows for quick and precise removal of the tonsils.

Tenotom Huebscher was first used in 1890 to remove tonsils. Since then, it has become one of the most common instruments in ENT surgery. Tenotom has high efficiency and precision, making it an ideal tool for removing all types of tonsils in both adults and children.

Typically, tonsil removal occurs under general anesthesia (general anesthesia). Tenotom can be used to remove one or several tonsils at the same time. This is especially convenient if