
Humaglobin: an effective agent for immunotherapy

Humaglobin, also known as human normal immunoglobulin, is a pharmaceutical drug used for replacement therapy and infection prevention in various immunodeficiency conditions and other pathologies. It belongs to the immunoglobulin pharmaceutical group and is produced in Hungary by the Human company.

Humaglobin is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of intravenous solution. It contains the active substance - normal human immunoglobulin. The drug is available in two dosage forms: 2.5 g and 5 g.

The main indications for the use of Humaglobin include replacement therapy to prevent infections in various primary and secondary immunodeficiency syndromes. This includes agammaglobulinemias, common variable immunodeficiencies, and immunodeficiencies associated with alpha or hypogammaglobulinemia. Humaglobin is also used to prevent infections in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, AIDS in children, or after bone marrow transplantation. The drug may be effective in the treatment and prevention of various infections, including severe bacterial and viral infections. It is also used to prevent infections in low birth weight premature infants, as well as other conditions such as Kawasaki syndrome, autoimmune neutropenia, and partial red cell aplasia of hematopoiesis.

Despite its effectiveness, Humaglobin has contraindications. The use of the drug is not recommended for patients with hypersensitivity to human immunoglobulins, especially in the presence of IgA deficiency, as this may cause the formation of antibodies to the drug.

Side effects may occur when using Humaglobin. This may include headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, changes in blood pressure, palpitations, shortness of breath and allergic reactions. In rare cases, more serious side effects may occur, such as severe hypotension, collapse, loss of consciousness, hyperthermia and others. Most side effects are associated with the high rate of infusion of the drug and can be prevented by administering Humaglobin slowly and following the recommended protocols and infusion rates.

Humaglobin is an effective immunotherapy and can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with immunodeficiency conditions. However, before starting to use Humaglobin, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and consult with a doctor to determine the indications and dosage of the drug, as well as take into account possible contraindications and risks.

Overall, Humaglobin represents an important tool in immunotherapy and may be an effective agent for the prevention and treatment of infections in immunocompromised patients. However, the decision to use Humaglobin should be made by a physician based on the individual characteristics of the patient and taking into account all available clinical information.