Humidity deficiency Physiological

Humidity deficiency is a condition in which the moisture content in the air becomes too low to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room. This can lead to dry skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract and other health problems.

One of the main sources of humidity in the air is the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin and respiratory tract. If air humidity is low, evaporation becomes difficult, which leads to a lack of moisture on the surface of the body. This can cause dry and irritated skin, as well as make breathing difficult and reduce the efficiency of your lungs.

Humidity deficiency can be measured using various instruments such as hygrometers and thermohygrometers. They allow you to determine the partial pressure of water vapor and the air temperature in the room. The lower the partial pressure, the higher the moisture deficit.

To prevent humidity deficiency, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity in the room, which depends on many factors, such as air temperature, ventilation speed, presence of plants, etc. It is also important to monitor the humidity in the room and use humidifiers if necessary.

If you feel that there is a lack of humidity in your home or workplace, it is recommended that you contact a specialist to diagnose and solve the problem.

Physiological humidity deficiency is an important characteristic of the microclimate; it is measured by the difference between the vapor pressure that can evaporate in a certain environment and the actual evaporation pressure at a given temperature. In the physiological aspect, moisture deficiency means the presence of a condition where the surface of the body lacks moisture. Therefore, in this case, it is important to maintain sufficient humidity levels to keep the leather hydrated and prevent it from drying out and cracking. Here are some of the main problems associated with physiological moisture deficiency:

1. Breathing problems: Lack of hydration in the body can lead to narrowing of the airways and difficulty breathing. This is especially dangerous for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions that may be worsened by dry air conditions.

2. Dry skin: A lack of physiological moisture can cause dry skin and flaking, which can aggravate skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Dry skin can also cause itching and discomfort.

3. Reproductive problems: Insufficient vaginal hydration in women may be accompanied by hormonal imbalance,