Hump ​​Rib

Costal hump (lat. gibbus costalis) is a deformation of the chest in which the ribs bend to the side, which leads to the formation of a bulge on the back.


  1. Rickets in childhood, leading to softening of the rib bones and their deformation under pressure from internal organs.

  2. Tuberculosis of the spine, in which the vertebral bodies are destroyed and the spine is curved, leading to deformation of the ribs.

  3. Tumors of the spinal cord or spine.

  4. Congenital defects in the development of the chest and spine.

Clinical manifestations:

  1. A bulge of varying severity in the area of ​​the ribs on one side of the chest.

  2. Back pain, limited mobility of the chest.

  3. Respiratory and cardiac dysfunction with significant deformation.

Diagnosis is based on examination, X-ray and CT scan of the chest.

Treatment depends on the cause and extent of the deformity. Surgery may be required to correct crooked ribs and spine. For progressive scoliosis, corsets are used.