Khurf - watercress

He is famous. Its strength is similar to the strength of mustard seeds and wild radish seeds, and some say: “With the strength of mustard and indau seeds combined.” The action of cress leaves due to their moisture content is inferior to the action of its seeds. But if they

dried, the leaves become almost similar in action to the seeds and almost replace them.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Actions and properties.
Warms, dissolves, promotes ripening and, moreover, softens; absorbs pus in cavities.

In the form of a drink or ointment, it delays hair loss.

Tumors and acne.
It is good for mucous tumors, and is used with water and salt as a medicinal bandage for boils.

Wounds and ulcers.
Watercress helps against ulcerative jarab and lichen, and when mixed with honey it is used for “honey ulcer” and eliminates “Persian fire”.

Tools with joints.
Watercress in the form of a drink or a medicinal dressing with vinegar and barley oatmeal helps against inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Sometimes, when the sciatic nerve is inflamed, an enema is given from it, and this helps, especially if something mixed with blood is removed from the intestines. Watercress is also useful in relaxing all the nerves.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Watercress cleanses the lungs, helps against asthma and is included in medications for asthma, as well as in stews used for asthma, because it has the property of tearing off and diluting the juices.

Nutritional organs.
Watercress warms the stomach and liver and helps, especially in the form of a medicinal dressing with honey, against thickening of the spleen. It's bad for the stomach, and it also seems to come from burning too much. Cress stimulates the appetite for food. If you drink it in the amount of one Oxybuff, it will cause vomiting of bile and bilious diarrhea. Only three-quarters of a dirham has this effect.

Eruption organs.
Cress increases lust, removes worms, drives menstruation and expels the fetus. Toasted watercress sets, especially if you don't pound it, as pounding destroys its stickiness.

It helps against kulanj, and if you drink four or five dirhams of grated cress in hot water, it loosens and dissolves the winds in the intestines. Some doctors indicate that Babylonian cress, if taken alone with Oxybuff, removes bile and causes vomiting of bile. This is how a dose of up to three-quarters of a dirham works.

Sowing watercress in the form of a drink and in a medicinal bandage with honey helps against reptile bites. Fumigation with it drives away reptiles.