Hygienic Requirements for Cosmetic Massage

jojoba, macadamia, shea and avocado oils. For oily skin, it is recommended to use essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, rosemary and tea tree.

In addition, when performing a cosmetic massage, a number of hygienic requirements must be observed. First of all, the massage therapist must have clean hands and nails to avoid infecting the patient with various infections. If there are cuts or other skin damage on the massage therapist's hands, protective gloves must be used.

It is also important that the massage therapist use clean towels and sheets for each patient to avoid the transmission of infections through body contact. After each session, the massage therapist must wash off the oil or cream used during the massage and disinfect the surface of the massage table.

It is important to remember that cosmetic massage is not a panacea and cannot replace professional medical care. If the patient has serious health problems or skin diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get his recommendations regarding massage.

Overall, cosmetic massage is an effective way to improve skin condition and relax muscles. However, to carry it out, it is necessary to comply with certain hygienic requirements and contraindications in order to avoid undesirable consequences. With the right approach to cosmetic massage, it can become not only a pleasant procedure, but also a useful contribution to the health and beauty of the skin.