Hyperaldosteronism Primary

Hyperaldesteronism (HAD) is a congenital hypersecretion of the hormone aldosterone, one of the elements of the adrenal hormone system. It occurs in response to a decrease in the concentration of sodium ions in the blood with increased production of mineralocorticoid substances by the adrenal glands or when the body is unable to fully utilize the sodium and potassium supplied with food. In addition, an increased level of aldosterone in the patient’s blood may also be due to tumor growth of adrenal tissue (pheochromocytoma, granulocytoma).

Is hyperaldesteronism a primary disease?

Hyperaldesteronism can be called an increased release of the hormone “aldesterone” into the blood, which, in turn, occurs due to disruption of the adrenal glands. Many different reasons lead to it: impaired blood circulation, kidney and liver diseases. In most cases, secondary or primary hyperaldehysteronism occurs in people over 45 years of age. The reasons for its formation can be either congenital or acquired. **The congenital type of disease occurs for reasons such as:** * disruption of the blood removal process from the kidney, the appearance of cysts or seals; * untimely formation of kidneys; * adrenal neoplasms, organ cancer;

**Secondary hyperaldesteronemia** occurs due to the following: * tumors (anywhere in the body) that interfere with blood flow; * destruction of the adrenal glands themselves; * pathological growth of tissue, etc. Symptoms of the disease appear over time, and therefore this form is much more typical for older people. However, young patients should also be wary of this disease. The main signs of its presence are changes in weight. Moreover, adipose tissue rapidly increases, while protein is lost. Changes in the skin occur quite often. They manifest themselves as severe dryness, the appearance of psoriasis and other skin diseases. In addition, the condition of the sweat and sebaceous glands is also disturbed. Itching, change in ear size, dermographism and other symptoms of the disease depend on its main cause. There is a type of disease called primary aldesteriomism. It is characterized by disruption of the functioning of the gland itself. If you do not follow all the recommendations and necessary measures, then there is a risk of developing the disease in children. This is how Addison's crisis develops. It manifests itself as a result of damage to the adrenal glands and is characterized by rapid fatigue, problems with urination, deterioration of mood and general well-being.