Hyperbaric chamber operating room

An operating pressure chamber is a special equipment designed for performing surgical operations under conditions of high pressure and air composition. It allows you to create conditions close to natural, which helps reduce the risk of complications and improve treatment results.

The operating pressure chamber is a sealed chamber, inside which the necessary pressure and air composition are created. This ensures the protection of the patient’s organs and tissues from the effects of the external environment and allows operations to be performed for various diseases, such as aneurysm, hernia, varicose veins and others.

The equipment necessary for the operation of the operating room pressure chamber includes an air supply system, a system for monitoring the pressure and composition of the gas mixture, a heating and cooling system. Also, additional devices can be installed in the operating room pressure chamber, such as patient condition monitors and cameras for visual monitoring of the operation.

One of the main advantages of using hyperbaric chambers in operating rooms is the ability to perform open-heart surgery. In this case, the pressure in the chamber is maintained at 10-15 mm Hg. above atmospheric, which creates conditions close to natural. This reduces the risk of complications and improves treatment results.

In addition, the operating room pressure chamber can be used to treat lung diseases such as emphysema and asthma. In this case, the air in the chamber is enriched with oxygen and other gases, which reduces the symptoms of the disease and improves the quality of life of patients.

Thus, the operating pressure chamber is an important tool in medicine, which allows complex operations to be performed under conditions as close as possible to natural ones. It can be used to treat various diseases, including cardiovascular, pulmonary and others.

Pressure chambers are devices used in medicine and science to create a controlled pressure environment indoors that can be useful for experiments and therapeutic procedures. One of the most important applications of pressure chambers is pressure surgery. Operating pressure chambers, or hyperbaric chambers as they are sometimes called, are designed to create a constant pressure environment that provides adequate patient comfort during high air pressure surgery.

The hyperbaric chamber, or rather, the hyperbaric operating chamber, looks like a wide narrow chamber, up to a couple of meters in length and up to a meter in diameter. It looks similar to a standard medical camera