Hypertensive Disease Malignant Course

Malignant hypertensive disease differs from ordinary stage 3 hypertension in its course. The difference between this form of hypertensive syndrome and other types is that its pathological symptoms only worsen over time. Therefore, making a diagnosis in the early stages is almost impossible. For this reason it is necessary

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. The disease is manifested by an increase in blood pressure and is manifested by the development of complications such as stroke, heart failure and others. One of the rare types of malignant hypertension is malignant hypertypesia, which is characterized by rapid progression and severe course.

Malignant hypertensive disease (HMD) is a severe malignant course of hypertensive disease, characterized by a rapid and progressive increase in blood pressure and the development of complications. The syndrome is a rare disease and can be diagnosed by a general practitioner if there are characteristic symptoms, high blood pressure and convincing evidence of a malignant process. Life-threatening complications and an unfavorable clinical course of BHRT require the initiation of adequate antihypertensive therapy, immediate seeking specialized treatment and a quick solution to the issue of hospitalization.

With BHRT, significant blood pressure occurs, usually of the systolic type with a pressure on average of 250 mm Hg. Art. and higher and diastolic type in the range of 140-180 mm Hg. The patient's condition is usually severe with stable indications for hospitalization and the absence of effective antihypertensive drugs. As a rule, there are no heart rate indicators, fluctuations in heart rate indicators are extremely rare and reach a limit of 160 beats/min without reaction from the outside