
Hypophrenia is a human condition due to manifestations of brain pathology, in which the ability to critical thinking is severely affected. We are talking about the loss of cognitive abilities that are responsible for the functions of intellectual and sensory activity. From a person’s appearance, it is extremely difficult to notice such problems, since pronounced signs of the disease appear much later, and a person may simply not notice changes in his abilities. Statistics indicate deviations from the norm at a level of almost 2%.

The main reasons for the occurrence of this pathology are as follows:

Difficult birth. During difficult labor, normal blood flow to the brain is disrupted and insufficient nutrition of its cells is observed. Neurological diseases: circulatory diseases, strokes, epileptic attacks and convulsions, intervertebral hernias, multiple sclerosis and others. Alcohol and drug addiction directly lead to the degradation of nerve cells in the brain. The right hemisphere, which is responsible for all emotions, including critical perception of the world, is especially negatively affected. Abuse of medications negatively affects the nervous system. If you take certain medications incorrectly, in excess of the permissible dosage, this leads to a state of “memory lapses,” deterioration of attention, and a negative impact on intellectual abilities. Heredity. Some studies have shown a connection between the presence of hyperactivity and imbalance in the mother (or father) and such pathologies. Head injuries. This is the most common cause of this pathology. Any head injury, even without disturbances in brain function, will eventually affect its activity. The most dangerous injury is many years of monotonous work in a position that is not comfortable for the body.