Hypotonic-Hyperkinetic syndrome

Introduction: Hypotonic-hyperkinetic syndrome

Hypotonic-hyperkinesis syndrome (CONGENITAL TONDOURBROMBEUMIA - Midas syndrome), another name is Freget-Baller syndrome, Allardy syndrome, which is a rare mental illness. In which there is constant emotional arousal. It can be expressed in the form of angry and aggressive actions and aggression that is completely unusual for others. Children with this syndrome require special attention and care from parents and teachers, since this can provoke increased aggression in them and destabilize their emotional and social sphere. Severe irritation and frequent outbursts of aggression in a habitual state have played a role in the fact that many of the patients with Freget-Baller syndrome are chronic offenders and prison inmates. I can also give an example of working on tasks, goals, plans or projects to prevent destructive reactions and correct all negative consequences.

Stages of development of Frege-Baller syndrome Frege-Ballard syndrome has a stage of development that changes over time. Symptoms appear in order and get worse over time. The syndrome occurs when certain personality traits begin to be transmitted from mother to child. As the child develops, the mother's behavior becomes more unpredictable and contradictory. From the first year of life, children show clear signs of underdevelopment. Parents themselves cannot understand why the child behaves this way. It is important to note that these behavioral problems also occur in adulthood, but are often not recognized, so seeking medical help is rare.

Hypotonic hyperkinetic syndrome (or as people say ADHD) is a mental disorder that occurs in people of different ages. Symptoms of ADHD manifest themselves in the nervous system and mental processes. To make a diagnosis, you must contact a psychiatrist or neurologist. The main goal of treatment is to reduce the external manifestations of the disorder, as well as to prevent social maladjustment. The selection of medications and methods of psychotherapy is carried out individually, only with the consent of the patient and relatives.

Hypotonic-hyperkinetic disorder syndrome is characterized by uncontrolled body movement that occurs due to a disruption in communication between the brain and muscles. As a result, the person may have problems with walking, head control and coordination, as well as speech and memory. This syndrome can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic disorders, brain injury and mental health problems. Some of the symptoms that may occur with this syndrome include the following: