Hysterography Photometric

Photometric hysterograph: operating principle and application

A photometric hysterograph, also known as an electrouterograph, is a device used to measure changes in the volume of the uterus. It is used in gynecology to diagnose various pathologies such as tumors, inflammation and other diseases.

The principle of operation of a photometric hysterograph is based on a change in the optical density of the solution that is located inside the patient’s uterus. Using a special device, light passes through the solution and then hits a photosensitive element, which measures the amount of light that has passed through the solution. The change in the amount of light caused by a change in the volume of the solution makes it possible to determine changes in the volume of the uterus.

The use of a photometric hysterograph makes it possible to identify various diseases of the uterus, such as fibroids, polyps, strictures and adenomyosis. It can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments for these diseases. In addition, a photometric hysterograph can be used to determine the patient’s fertility and to monitor the development of the embryo during pregnancy.

Photometric hysterograph is an accurate and safe method for diagnosing and monitoring uterine diseases. It allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of the uterus and the processes occurring in it, which allows doctors to make informed decisions on the treatment and control of diseases.

In conclusion, the photometric hysterograph is an important tool in gynecology, which allows you to identify various diseases of the uterus and determine the effectiveness of treatment. Due to its accuracy and safety, it is a popular diagnostic and monitoring method in gynecological practice.

A photometric hysterograph is a special device that is used to examine the inner surface of the uterus. This method makes it possible to study the condition of its walls, as well as identify various diseases. Hysterography is indispensable in gynecology, as it allows you to diagnose endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and other problems.
