I Believe - I Don't Believe...

I Believe - I Don't Believe...

All signs associated with pregnant women and newborns originate in deep history. Sometimes it is almost impossible to understand what caused a particular ban. If you do not believe in omens, do not pay attention to the warnings of others - remain unconvinced. If signs mean a lot to you, stick to them for your peace of mind. The main thing is not to be tormented by doubts: to comply or not. Just rejoice in your wonderful condition. And we will try to figure out where these beliefs came from.

DO'S, DO'S and IF for a pregnant woman

You can’t sit on the threshold - according to old ideas, the threshold was the border between one’s own and someone else’s world. In addition, sitting in a draft is harmful to your health.

You can't eat in secret - the child's fearfulness is not related to this. But eating in a hurry is bad for the nerves and stomach.

You cannot knit or deal with ropes - it was believed that the knot tied the umbilical cord. It has not been proven by science, but it is better to avoid static loads.

You can't sew or cut on holidays - not because of birthmarks, but so as not to get tired.

You can't look at the ugly - it has been proven that the mother's emotions affect the child.

You can't cut your hair - not because of premature birth, but because it's better not to do it in the first trimester.

You can't sit cross-legged - blood circulation is disrupted, which is harmful.

You cannot raise your arms - not because of the umbilical cord, but so as not to provoke the rupture of amniotic fluid.

You can't swear when you're pregnant - no one needs negative emotions.

You should not sleep on your back - compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava may occur.

You cannot say the date of birth - so as not to injure you in case of complications.

You should not play with a cat - it can be a carrier of dangerous diseases.

You need to hide your pregnancy - sometimes psychologists recommend this if there is a threat of miscarriage.

It is necessary to keep the child's name secret so that evil forces do not harm him.

If the belly is hairy, it may be a boy, but not a fact.

The shape of the abdomen depends on many factors, not the gender of the child.

The fetal heart rate does not depend on gender, but newborn girls have a faster pulse.

Signs about a newborn

He was born in a shirt - with a whole placenta, which was considered fortunate.

You can't dry clothes at night to prevent them from being stolen.

A tooth for a mouse - so that the child does not feel sorry for a lost tooth.

You cannot show the baby - there is an infectious danger and the ritual of the fortieth day.

Charms and fumigation helped against the evil eye. The main thing is care and love!

In general, many signs have a rational explanation. But the most important thing for an expectant mother is joy, peace of mind and health!