I Was Not Born Yet, But I Already Know a Lot!

How does the unborn child feel while in the womb of his mother? It turns out that there is much more than we used to think!

Emotions and hormones - a friendly couple

Many women treat their unborn child as a kind of cute but demanding parasite for which the body must work, work, and work for the long 40 weeks. But this is not entirely true, because literally from the first days, as soon as it is born, a tiny living creature begins to communicate with its mother. In the first ten weeks of pregnancy, active biological metabolism is established, the mother becomes a supplier of hormones for the development of the embryo, and from it receives a special hormone that stimulates the restructuring of her body, promotes the preservation and normal development of pregnancy.

After the 10th week, the placenta, an organ of the endocrine system, begins to work. Now, with each month, the exchange of hormones will become more active and grow. Then the internal secretion organs of the unborn baby will start working, and a unified hormonal system will be completely formed. It is through hormones that the baby sends its signals, notifying the mother’s body about what it needs for growth and development.

Endocrine processes are very closely related to mental ones. Scientists say: almost every emotion we have has its own hormone. There are hormones of joy, surprise, fear, etc. Mother's hormones easily penetrate through the placenta to the child, so he experiences the same emotions as a pregnant woman. But there is also an inverse relationship: the emotions of the fetus are transmitted to the mother. This is how scientists explain the increased sensitivity and sentimentality of pregnant women, and the strange desires, quirks, and fantasies that arise in them.

Faster than the Internet

The latest research proves: during pregnancy, there is a special information connection between the mother and the fetus, carried out through the biological fields that any living organism possesses. These fields are waves of different frequencies and lengths. The acoustic (sound) field is created by the every second vibration of muscle fibers. The carrier of the electromagnetic field is the central nervous system, in particular the brain. Mother and child have their own fields. These fields are interpenetrable, due to which there is an active exchange of information, and it is transmitted much faster than in the ultra-modern Internet communication system.

He remembers everything for a long time

Scientists are now finding more and more evidence that even a 10-week embryo has a high threshold of sensitivity. He does not yet have skin, the nerve endings are exposed, and therefore the ability to sense external influences is very high.

From the third month of pregnancy, analyzers (biological systems that perceive and analyze the effect of stimuli) begin to function in the unborn child. The picture of embryo sensitivity becomes much more complex. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the baby, settling into his mother’s womb, feels comfortable and serene. He feels the absence of boundaries and obstacles, and such sensations may be accompanied by very specific visions of phenomena in the real world, in which he has never been.

Embryonic cells remember, for example, injuries, feelings of fear, stress, foci of disease, etc. Fortunately, they also remember for a long time all the good things - the joys and pleasures they experienced.

When does a baby start to hear?

According to French researchers, the first auditory sensations of a child inside the womb are vibrational: he feels a pulsating world around him. The organ of hearing (inner ear) is formed before 16 weeks, and from about the 20th week the baby begins to distinguish sounds: first, internal noises, the mother’s heartbeat, noise in the lungs, intestinal peristalsis, etc. From the 6th month of pregnancy, the baby is already differentiates sounds well.

From the seventh month