
Idebenone: an effective drug to support brain activity

Idebenone, also known as Noben, is a nootropic drug produced in Russia. It has the ability to improve cerebral circulation and stimulate cognitive functions. Idebenone is part of the pharmacological group of nootropic drugs that are designed to improve memory, attention, intellectual productivity and other aspects of cognitive function.

The manufacturer of Idebenone is the company Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. ON THE. Semashko, located in Russia. The drug is available in the form of capsules containing 0.03 g of the active substance - idebenone.

Idebenone is recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. Cerebrovascular insufficiency, including moderate psychoorganic syndrome. It can be used for cerebrovascular accidents, age-related involutional changes in the brain and other similar conditions.
  2. Cerebrosthenic disorders of vascular, traumatic or psychogenic etiology.
  3. Functional disorders of the central nervous system, such as weakening of memory, attention, intellectual productivity and emotional instability.
  4. Asthenic, depressive and asthenodepressive syndromes.
  5. Symptoms such as headache, dizziness and tinnitus.

It should be noted that Idebenone has some contraindications and restrictions for use. It is not recommended for patients with hypersensitivity to the drug or with renal impairment. The use of Idebenone should also be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Some side effects may occur when using Idebenone, including mental agitation, difficulty sleeping, headache, dyspepsia and allergic reactions. Interactions with other drugs have not yet been studied, so it is important to consult a doctor or pharmacist before using Idebenone with other drugs at the same time.

There are no data on possible overdoses of Idebenone, however, recommended dosages should be observed and not exceeded.

It is important to note that Idebenone should be used with caution in vehicle drivers and persons whose work requires increased concentration.

Information about Idebenone is based on the 2006 Drug Encyclopedia Literature. You should consult more current sources of information and consult with a medical professional before using Idebenone.

In conclusion, Idebenone is a nootropic drug that helps improve cerebral circulation and support cognitive function. It may be useful in cases of cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebrasthenic disorders, functional disorders of the central nervous system and other symptoms. However, before using Idebenone, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.