
Identification is an unconscious protective mechanism of psychological development, in which a person creates an image of another person and, imitating him, feels similar to him. Identification with one of the parents is extremely important for the formation of the child’s personality and makes a special contribution to the development of his moral principles and his formation as a future man or woman (depending on the gender of the child).

Identification helps the child to internalize behavioral patterns, values ​​and attitudes of people significant to him. Through identification with a parent of the same gender, the child learns appropriate gender roles. In addition, identification strengthens the feeling of closeness and attachment to parents, which is important for the psychological health and well-being of the child.

Identification: psychological mechanism of personality formation

Identification is one of the unconscious defense mechanisms that a person uses to reduce anxiety. This mechanism consists in the fact that a person creates an image of another person in himself and, imitating him, feels similar to him.

Identification is especially important in early childhood. It is during this period that the child’s personality is formed, and identification with one of the parents plays a key role in this process. The child imitates the behavior and manners of his parents, which helps him realize his involvement in the family and society as a whole.

Identification with the father or mother can have a huge impact on the moral foundations of the child and on his development as a future man or woman. For example, if the father is the child's authority figure, then identifying with him may help the child develop self-confidence and masculine identity. Likewise, if a mother is a role model for her daughter, then identifying with her can help the girl become confident in her feminine identity.

However, it should be noted that identification can also be negative. For example, if the father is aggressive and violent, then identification with him can lead to the development of aggressive behavior in the child. Also, if the mother suffers from depression or anxiety, then identifying with her may increase such emotional problems in the daughter.

In general, identification is an important mechanism of personality formation, which helps the child understand his involvement in society and develop his identity. However, this is not the only mechanism, and parents must be careful about the images they present to their children so as not to negatively influence them.

Identification is a psychological process in which a person identifies himself with another person or object. This can happen either consciously or unconsciously. Identification can be used to protect against negative emotions such as fear or anxiety.

Identification with parents is an important stage in the development of a child’s personality. The child identifies with his parents in order to understand who he is and how he should behave in society. This helps the child develop his personality and moral values.

If a child identifies with their parent of the opposite sex, this can lead to problems in the future. For example, if a boy identifies with his mother, he may become feminine and indecisive. If a girl identifies with her father, she may become aggressive and unable to compromise.

Thus, identification is an important process in human psychological development. It helps us understand ourselves and other people, as well as shape our personality.