
“Idiophrenia” – a crazy ideology?

- Ideology is an integral part of society and plays an important role in shaping political, economic and social relations. However, in recent years, many ideologues have acquired signs of insanity and begin to impose their ideas on others without taking into account their reality. This problem is becoming more acute and requires measures to be taken to solve it. There are many interpretations of the concept of “ideophrenia”, but based on the general meaning we can say that it is a syndrome of thought disorders, including a disorder in the course of associative thinking processes and delusional perception. The idiophrenic considers his idea to be the only true one, builds an entire system of political views around it and insists on the complete subordination of everyone around him to his ideology. The debate about the meaning of the term ideophrenia arose in the Middle Ages and became widespread in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries in the works of French psychiatrists Jean Itard and Fernand Pinel. Therefore, over time there have been several interpretations of this term. Thus, some authors called the psychopathology of thinking, often associated with obsessions, ideophrenia. The more common option was manic-delusional syndrome. Therefore, the idea of ​​ideophrenia as a manic syndrome of thought disorder gradually emerged. The main symptom of this pathology is traditionally identified as delusional ideas, which are accompanied by enthusiastic, ecstatic states, and aggression towards other people or the world around them. Their influence on rational thinking seems to fade into the background. In the work of S. Freud