
Ileosigmoidostomy (ileosigmoidostomy) is a surgical procedure that involves creating a new opening in the intestine by making an incision and removing part of the intestine. This surgery can be performed to treat a variety of diseases and conditions such as bowel cancer, intestinal infections, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and others.

An ileosigmoidostomy is performed by creating a new opening in the colon that connects it to the sigmoid colon. This allows a new pathway for food and liquid to pass through the intestines.

The surgery is usually performed through an abdominal incision, which is usually made on the right side of the abdomen. After the incision is made, the surgeon removes part of the colon and creates a new opening between the colon and the sigmoid colon. The surgeon then closes the hole using special materials such as tissue or plastic.

After surgery, the patient may experience some discomfort, such as abdominal pain or gas. However, in most cases, these symptoms go away within a few days.

In general, ileosigmoidostomy is an effective treatment for many bowel diseases. It improves intestinal permeability and reduces symptoms associated with these diseases. However, before deciding to have surgery, you must consult a doctor and undergo appropriate examination.