Ileostomy according to Witzel

An ileostomy is an artificial opening in the wall of the colon that allows the natural outflow of intestinal contents. They are created for the purpose of treating enteral and intestinal stomas, as well as to reduce bedsores of the colostomy bag.

Taking into account the impossibility or difficulty of normal defecation, and, consequently, the absence or disturbance of peristalsis, the stoma must be closed. For this purpose, the following main types of operations have been developed.

1. Fistulostomy. The formation of new stomas brought to the anterior abdominal wall, from which two canals are created. After completion of the operation, as a result of such an operation, an inlet anastomosis is formed, open for stool, and an outlet - the end of the wound. After this, one and the other channel are brought out

For ileostomy in case of very severe damage to the intestines, an artificial opening is created in the large intestine above the inflammation, observing the basic rules of asepsis and antisepsis. This operation is quite simple if you observe the strictest cleanliness of your hands before and during the operation. Complications of proctitis may be associated with decreased immunity and the possibility of secondary infection. If the operation is not performed on time, it can lead to serious

An ileostomy is an opening in the abdominal wall to remove intestinal waste from the body. In some cases, a permanent ileostomy is necessary to alleviate the patient's condition. The most common form of permanent ileostomy is astomy. However, the use of a permanent ileostomy tube (plans) can be problematic and inconvenient for the patient