Imaginary Ice

Training your imagination is as important as your body or speech. On one of the hot days, invite your child to play the game “Imagine Ice”. Have him close his eyes and mentally imagine what you are talking about. Describe a place where your child, who loves snow and ice, freezes from the cold. Let him imagine how the cold penetrates through him, how his fingers and toes get cold, how the wind blows, freezing everything around him. Let him imagine trees without leaves and the ground covered with snow. Will he be able to imagine how, while freezing, he dreams of a hot sunny day?

The game "Imagine Ice" is a great way to develop a child's imagination and creativity. On a hot day it's hard to imagine the cold, but that's why this game will be useful. The child will learn to abstract from reality and create pictures in his imagination. And for full development, imagination is simply necessary.