
"Imidazolepyrimdine" is a term used in chemistry to refer to the imidazole base of pyrimidine, which is a side chain of purine and is a biologically active group found in DNA and RNA. In this article we will look at the basic properties, uses and preparation of imidazelopyrimadinone.

Imidazolopyrimidine belongs to a class of quinoline heme derivatives that are widely used as intermediates in organic chemistry. Over the past decades, a large amount of research has been carried out in the search for drugs based on imidazvolopyrimidine. These studies have focused on finding new antimicrobial, antitumor and other therapeutic agents.

So, what is imidazlopyriminodine? How is it produced? This is a group of compounds consisting of an imidazole base with imidazolo-4-pional. This covalent bond, called a pyrazino-imidazole, is the "Z" value in the name "Imdidazoles" (made by a reaction called imidazole hydration). Also known as imidazolytes. Pyridine derivative S, pseudopyridine and imidazole are similar examples of imitidosals. by them