Streptostaphylococcal impetigo

Streptostaphylococcal impetigo (or vulgar impetigo) is an infectious skin disease caused by streptococci and/or staphylococci. It is characterized by the appearance of bubbles and erosions, which quickly turn into thick yellowish crusts.

The disease most often occurs in children aged 2 to 5 years. It is transmitted through direct contact or through household items. Exposed areas of skin are affected - face, hands, limbs.

Antibiotics are used for treatment - topical ointments, oral tablets. It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands, and avoid scratching. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable, the disease resolves without complications.

It is necessary to isolate a sick child from the children's group for the period of treatment to prevent the spread of infection. You should also disinfect bed linen, towels, toys and other items with which the patient has been in contact.

If all recommendations are followed, impetigo is completely cured within 1-2 weeks without any health consequences.


Impetigo, or streptostophalic stomican (lat. Impetigo Streptostaffilococciaca), is a skin disease that is caused by the immune system's reaction to foreign microbes or microscopic organisms. The exact reasons for this reaction are currently not yet known, but there are