Impetigo Follicular

"Acute childhood pyodermatitis: follicular-acnefiform impetigos"

_Pyodermatitis_ ​​have medical significance as chronic, often recurrent inflammatory skin diseases of microbial etiology, occurring with damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis and dermis. Acute child pyodirititis in the vast majority of cases is caused by Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), which most often settles on the skin under the name “staphylococcal carbuncle”. An important sign of infection with pyodermatosis is the tendency for skin lesions to self-resolve and restore the skin. These clinical symptoms are referred to as resolution and recovery, while the return to the previous state of the body has already been documented twice before. [12]

Treatment for pyoderma usually involves oral antibiotics, but some cases require intravenous or other systemic antibiotics. Topical treatments may include ointments to be applied topically or creams to be applied directly to the affected skin. Antimicrobial agents are used to speed up wound healing.