
Impinger: a device for collecting aerosols and gas impurities

An impinger is a device that is used to collect aerosols and trace gases from air or other gas streams. It consists of a glass or plastic flask containing a liquid, which can be water or another solvent. As the gas stream passes through the flask, aerosols and gas impurities collide with the liquid and dissolve in it.

Impingers are widely used in scientific research, medicine, industry and other fields. For example, they can be used to analyze air pollution, monitor product quality, and measure the concentration of harmful substances in gas emissions.

There are several types of impinger, which differ in design and operating principle. One of the most common types is the cyclone impinger, which uses centrifugal force to separate aerosols and gaseous contaminants from a gas stream.

Although impingers are an effective tool for collecting aerosols and trace gases, they have their limitations. For example, they cannot collect particles that are too small to collide with liquid and may be sensitive to changes in temperature and pressure.


Impinger: what is it and how does it work

An impinger is a device used to collect aerosol particles and gaseous impurities in a liquid medium. It consists of a flask with a liquid into which a flow of gases or vapors with contaminant particles is directed. Upon contact with a liquid, the particles are adsorbed on the surface of the liquid or dissolved in it.

The principle of operation of an impinger is the impact of a stream of gases or vapors with contaminant particles on the surface of a liquid. In this case, particles are transferred into the liquid due to inertia, as well as electrostatic and van der Waals forces. Particles can be collected on the surface of a liquid or dissolved in it depending on their physical and chemical properties.

Impingers are widely used in laboratory and industrial settings to analyze air and gases for contaminants. They can also be used to monitor indoor air quality, monitor emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and monitor water pollution.

The main advantages of impingers are simplicity of design, reliability and the ability to be used in a wide range of temperatures and pressures. In addition, impingers allow you to obtain high-quality analysis results and do not require special skills to work with them.

However, impingers also have some limitations. For example, they are ineffective for collecting particles smaller than 0.1 microns because such particles are too small and do not have sufficient inertia to be transferred into a liquid. In addition, impingers can be sensitive to wind and other factors that can affect the smooth flow of gases.

Thus, impingers are an important tool for monitoring air and gas quality. They provide accurate analytical results and can be used in a wide range of conditions. However, when using impingers, it is necessary to take into account their limitations and carry out analyzes taking into account all possible factors that may affect the measurement results.