Pulse Ventricular

A ventricular impulse is a special type of myocardial excitation that occurs in a heterotopic (that is, not in a normal) focus of automatism. This lesion can be located in any of the ventricles of the heart, and its appearance is usually associated with a disturbance in heart rhythm.

Ventricular impulses can occur due to various causes, such as myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, or certain medications. When a ventricular impulse occurs, characteristic changes occur on the electrocardiogram (ECG) that may indicate a problem.

If the ventricular impulse originates in one of the atria, it is called atrial tachycardia. If the impulse occurs in the ventricles, this can lead to ventricular tachycardia, which is more life-threatening for the patient.

Various methods may be used to treat ventricular impulses, including drug therapy, catheter ablation, a pacemaker, or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). The choice of treatment method depends on the specific situation and severity of the disease.

Overall, ventricular impulses are a serious problem for heart health, so it is important to diagnose them early and take steps to treat them.

Ventricular impulse - i. myocardial excitation. It occurs in heterotopic foci of automatism. They are localized in one or more ventricles of the heart. It is important to remember that the cause of a heterotopic focus of automatism can be some kind of organic disease. Heart rhythm disturbances can cause complications of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is very important to detect these violations in a timely manner and take measures to correct them. Heart disease can also provoke the occurrence of a ventricular impulse. Coarctation of the aorta, mitral valve defects, pulmonary stenosis, subaortic stenosis - this is just a small list of diseases that can cause the occurrence of a ventricular impulse. As with other cardiac cycle disorders, the main treatment for ventricular impulse is antiarrhythmic therapy. It involves taking medications aimed at restoring the correct rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle. Often, they resort to stimulating the impulse of the normal automaticity of the pacemaker. To identify the heterotopic shape of the impulse, electrophysiological research methods are used: echocardiography, polycardiography and others. At the same time, load tests are carried out. Their purpose is to detect arrhythmia.