Inductothermy Pulse

Pulse-type inductotherapy is a method of treating various diseases by applying electrical impulses to the body. This method consists of influencing the affected areas of the body using special equipment - inductometers. With inductotherapy, the process of tissue restoration is stimulated, the functioning of blood vessels and muscles is regulated, and metabolic processes and blood circulation are improved.

The pulse inductotherapy method finds its application in various fields of medicine - surgery, neurology, cosmetology, pediatrics and others. For example, the procedures improve tissue regeneration and have an analgesic effect, prevent the formation of adhesions and scars after surgical operations, and also speed up the rehabilitation time for patients and their return to an active lifestyle. In cosmetology, IR heating is used to improve the condition of the skin - increasing its elasticity, moisturizing

Inductotherapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method based on the use of magnetic fields to stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood circulation. The procedure allows you to relieve pain, inflammation, swelling, and improve the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems. Inductotherapy is especially effective for treating diseases of the spine and joints.

The operating principle of inductotherapy is based on the effect of a magnetic field on the organs and tissues of the body. As a result of the procedure, blood circulation improves, the production of biological active substances is stimulated, and regenerative processes in tissues are accelerated.

Indications for inductotherapy:

Damage to peripheral nerves Osteochondrosis Radiculitis, lumbago Intercostal neuralgia Angina Low back pain Restrictions in joint mobility Sclerotic cartilage lesions Exacerbations of cervical radiculitis